The Hagley members Loton Park Championship is kindly sponsored by Allswage UK, the company of two of our regular competitors, Dave and Nick West. It has been running for nearly 20 years, and enables drivers of very different cars to compete on a level playing field. There will be 10 Championship rounds in 2023.
Each car/driver combination has a target time, usually his/her best time in that car at Loton Park, and scores points according to their performance against the target. There are 3 Championship classes: Class 1 for anyone who’s not previously driven at Loton, Class 3 for those who’ve driven the same car for 3 or more years, and Class 2 for everyone else.
After the success in its first year we will again be running the Top Ten Challenge during 2023, with a slightly different eligibility criteria. Thanks to Rick Leddy for his continued support through his Titan-X business. Please see championship regs for more details.
Awards are presented at the Club’s annual luncheon.
2024 Round Dates
​Sunday 17th March
Saturday 30th March
Sunday 31st March
Saturday 13th April (Allswage only)
Sunday 14th April
Saturday 18th May
Sunday 19thMay
Saturday 8th June (Allswage only)
Sunday 9th June
Saturday 13th July
Sunday 14th July
Saturday 3rd August
Sunday 4th August
Saturday 24th August
Sunday 25th August
" Entries for the Championship must be received at least 7 days prior to the round in which you intend to score points."
If you have any questions regarding this Championship, please contact:
Neil Hancox
General queries about competition at Loton Park should be directed to:
Becky Manton